Customer Testimonials

Read what our customers have to say

Stewart and his team did a professional and importantly SAFE job installing our system on a difficult 2 storey house. No cowboys here!!! Would definitely recommend them to anyone ( already have actually). Thanks Stewart.

Stewart did a great job with our installation and i would highly recommend him.

Just a quick post to say I got Stewart to install a 5kw fronius inverter with 20 panels. He did a great job managing me through the process from start to finish and I would have no hesitation recommending him to anyone.

Hey Mate – Just received the latest power bill. Down from $627 to $207. Can’t believe the difference – thanks mate for a quality system.

We would thoroughly recommend NextGen Power for all your solar needs. The service we experienced was fast and efficient. Any questions we had were answered in great detail, on the day installation was ran smoothly we were made aware of every detail up front with no hidden surprises.

Just wanted to say thank you for being so helpful with the NextGen solar information. We would be happy to recommend you. You have been great.

The experience when purchasing solar system from NextGen was superb! I must have done weeks of research, reading reviews of solar panel brands, inverter, etc; as well as comparing quotes. Finally landed my decision with NG simply because they was the only one who rang me mobile, others sellers were via email. During order to installation process, NextGen was helpful in answering all my questions and always kept me updated on where things are. What impressed me the most was the after sales. About 3 months after installation, they dropped me an email (not a phone call this time) and asked about my electricity bills, making sure I made the right move changing to solar, etc…WOWW!!! To me….this is pure class of customer service! Being in sales industry myself, I personally believe in ‘people buy people, not products’. Yes, other companies may sell the exact panels and inverter, but the services and after sales are what’s important to me. Thank you NextGen!


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